FolderHighlight 2.1.1014-REVENGE
eRiverSoft FolderHighlight是一款非常好用的文件夾/目錄高亮顯示東西,簡單的說可讓指定的文件夾變色采色的。xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz


法式可以讓你更加輕易、更加靈活的管理你的文件夾外觀。經由過程利用 FolderHighlight 你可使用一個高亮色彩或圖標來標記出主要的文件夾。例如,在你打開“我的文檔”文件夾時,看見了多個圖標相同的目次,這時候你就能夠利用 FolderHighlight 來符號出相對主要的目次圖標,下次再打開該目次時,你即可以輕鬆的找出你希望打開的目錄。

eRiverSoft FolderHighlight 2.x | 

FolderHighlight is a small but powerful tool that changes the visual appearance of the folders in your PC. With FolderHighlight you can quickly change the color of any folder. Even though Windows already allows you to customize folder icons for this purpose, FolderHighlight is a much easier to use as it integrates into the Explorer right-click menu, so you can quickly mark any folder without having to go through additional dialogs. FolderHighlight is very easy to use no matter how much do you know about your PC. To change color of a folder, right-click the required folder with your mouse, select FolderHighlight in the context menu and then choose a suitable appearance for the folder.

We receive about 80% of all information through the eyes, and the same 80% of our memories consist of images. When you are browsing through dozens of visually similar folders, you are not using your vision to its full extent and thus your activity is less effective than it could be. But if some of these folders have a different color, they will catch the eye faster than you read their name. This way you can easily differentiate between folders and browse much faster, because you are using your vision much more efficiently.

OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Language : English

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